Exploring the Latest Health and Wellness Predictions and Trends for Summer 2023

Exploring the Latest Health and Wellness Predictions and Trends for Summer 2023

The health and wellness market is nothing new to most Americans. People have been seeking out the latest health foods and wellness products long before United States legislation started to enact laws that fight back against the obesity pandemic in the 2000s.

The momentum for health and wellbeing is only increased with each year, as globally-known consumer studies revealed an average annual growth of between 5-10% in the booming market, currently at an estimated $1.5 trillion mark. That’s a lot of cash, and it’s not all ashwagandha honey and essential oils. It turns out consumers are willing to try just about anything to feel those chakras align and heart rates steady, so peel off your face mask and check out these upcoming trends in the health and wellness industry so you don’t miss out!

Sleep Hygiene
You know sleep hygiene reached peak popularity when developers like Apple incorporated software to help us finally put our phones down during our designated sleep hours. Like us, you probably hate to admit how many hours of sleep you get (or don’t get) per night. If you’re a hot sleeper or night-sweater, you’ll love these luxurious bamboo sheets that are as smooth as butter and provide light-weight coverage for warm Texas nights. 

Mental Health Apps

Gone are the days of having to sit in your therapist’s office in person, flipping through old issues of Psychology Today. With post-COVID remote meetings becoming the norm, app developers jumped at the chance to create a safe space for users to unload their mental health issues via their smartphones. More licensed therapists become available on the daily, so check out the app that works best for your current needs, whether you need to talk to someone, or even if you just need a few minutes for some light reflecting on your own. 

Meditation and Spiritualism

Of course, these methods of wellness have been around since ancient times, but some wellness-seekers have been stepping away from digital help right into the studio for some lunchtime yoga or meditation. With meditation comes connection to your own spirit and tapping into your deeper consciousness. If nothing else, it’s the best excuse to wear yoga pants for a purpose other than lounging. 

Upcoming Event: Trendy Yoga: Vinyasa Flow Class, a 45-minute Gentle Vinyasa Flow Yoga class offered by 500 RYT Yoga Instructor, Kayla Washington. Beginner friendly + any age!

Workplace Wellness
So many employers are finally listening to all the research showing how valued employees feel when the workplace encourages wellness as much, if not more, than encouraging work. Gone are the days of the corporate “grind” mentality for those offering wellness programs, like discounts on diet subscriptions and gym memberships.

Favorite Product: Trendy Memberships, is the ultimate membership to get you access to discounted and free services and treatments. Along with monthly wellness events, and access to community.

Cleaner Beauty 

Expectations in the beauty industry have increased for more affordable, more accessible beauty products that don’t contain sulfates, phthalates, parabens, and petrochemicals (all known chemicals that can be toxic to humans). We predict that, by the end of the year, more clean beauty products will begin to covet precious real estate on the aisles and stands of “regular” retailers like Target, CVS, and Walgreens. 

Sexual Wellness
We’re glad it’s becoming less taboo to talk about sexual health these days. Some of our parent-figures would have been too embarrassed to even mention the word “hormones” to their health care provider, but with each year, more folks are realizing that sexual health can affect overall health, leading companies to create and provide more tools in the toolbox, so to speak. We predict that natural aphrodisiacs will become more popular at the same stores you can buy your fancy makeup and skincare lines. 

Favorite Service: Hormone Replacement Therapy – A medically advised program that restores aphrodisiacs and hormonal balance.

Travel for Wellness
Remember the dog days of summer camp at the nearby cabin retreat? The adult version of that is available, only now, it’s called “travel for wellness,” and you get to pick the destination based on what exactly your life is missing. Feeling overwhelmed and in dire need of a yoga retreat? How about a spa retreat focused on rejuvenation? Perhaps hiking the trails of a tree-clad landscape is more your thing? The travel industry has leaned into this new sector, with several agencies and companies providing all-inclusive packages to wellness retreats around the country. 

Sobriety as a Lifestyle
Sadly, alcoholism and drug addiction are still health problems we deal with on a regular occurrence, whether we ourselves, or a loved one, has dealt with the unfortunate side effects of either addiction. That’s why so many people are turning to sobriety, even if they themselves don’t have an addiction. Choosing sobriety as a lifestyle is becoming a more acceptable choice, instead of seen as “boring” or a cop-out. Benefits include avoiding the terrible physical (and mental) feeling of a hangover and a healthier mental approach to dealing with issues that lie a little bit beneath the mask of stimulants. 

Are you looking for health and wellness tips outside of trends? Our health professionals can help you build a unique plan, tailored to your specific needs with our comprehensive lifestyle program. It takes the guesswork out of what works for your own body. Schedule a consultation today. 


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