Bring Back the ’90s: Everything You Need to Know About Skinny Eyebrows

Esthetician with black hair apply plastic wrap over a clients eyebrow to get a laminated eyebrow look

We’re living in the age of social media and rapid-sharing, so beauty and fashion trends can change at what feels like the speed of light. From jeans to hairstyles and everything in between, we can find the latest ideas at the push of a button. But lately, influencers are reaching a more nostalgic time period for their beauty tips and advice, especially when it comes to a trend straight out of the 90s: thin eyebrows. You read that right. They’re back in style. 

Eyebrows 101: How it Started

Our beloved 90s-era celebrities rocked the thin eyebrow look all over mainstream media. To name a few: Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Pamela Anderson (Baywatch), and so many more were thin-brow queens. The thin, high-arched, sexy, and sultry look is back, and if you’re nervous, we’ve got your back. 

For so long, we’ve been growing and shaping our brows that you might have forgotten how to do a thin brow, so we’re here with a 2023 version that won’t damage your long-term brow growth for when the trends change again, you know, in like, a year. 

Overplucking can damage hair follicles, causing limited growth and sometimes permanent hair loss, leaving you with sparse and patchy eyebrows over time. It’s also been proven that overplucking also causes swelling and irritation around the eye, leaving your body more prone to skin irritations and acne. 

How to get the skinny eyebrows look

There are ways to have a thin eyebrow without risking permanent damage. Best of all, these techniques allow for variation and change for when the next eyebrow trend comes along, as we know fashion changes. Put the tweezers down and follow us through these newer, less-damaging methods from least to most level of commitment: 

Method 1: Bedazzle – Want to try the skinny brow trend but you’re a little nervous? Some influencers and beauty professionals are temporarily gluing rhinestones to the top and bottom of their brow hairs to conceal the sometimes-harsh lines of hair growth on bushier brows. The regular self-adhesive gemstones you can find at craft stores work just fine, but you can also find jewels made just for hair and face application as well. If you’re particularly nervous, this might be a good entry-level experiment because it’s completely washable at the end of the night. 

Method 2: Tame the Beasts – Another not-so-committed option is to hide your current brows with makeup. You likely already have all the tools needed for this method, as you’ll only need a brow wax or gel, some concealer, foundation, and an eyebrow pencil. Use the wax to tame your brows, then place concealer and foundation over to make the brow nearly invisible. Use your current eyebrow shape to guide your pencil while drawing a thin and slightly-arched line. Use your finger to blend the line a bit if you need to. Fair warning: this is not a good look for pool parties or outdoor events where sweat is expected, unless you want to melt like a popsicle and avoid real eyebrow exposure. 

Method 3: Bleached Baby – Skip the wax and makeup coverage and opt for a bit more permanent solution with eyebrow bleach. Protect the skin around your eyebrow with petroleum jelly before the application of a special brow bleach by using a mascara applicator and enjoy results in about 10-20 minutes. After your newly-nude eyebrows dry, use an eyebrow pencil or crayon to draw in your desired thin-brow look. 

Method 4: Bye, Bye, Bye Brow Hair – We love a confident babe. If you’re feeling extra brave, try shaving off your eyebrows completely to gain a baby-bottom smooth surface for your eyebrow pencil to create thin brow magic. You won’t have a hairline to use as a guide, so give yourself time to practice drawing two similarly shaped brows. Always shave in the direction of hair growth and never against it, as that can damage the follicle. It’s also worth saying that you’ll want to be extra careful whenever you have any razor near your eye. (Duh). 

Some Good Rules of Thumb (or Brow) from Beauty Influencers

-Balance your brows with your lips. Big lips = bigger brow, while smaller lips = smaller brows. You don’t want to appear angry (big brows, small lips) or pale (big lips, small brows) so get a good feel of thickness. You can still achieve a thin eyebrow even if it’s not as thin as your bestie’s brow. 

-Fill in the gaps you created 30 years ago from overplucking with a pencil to create a balanced look across the whole brow. Use the smudging tool to help soften any lines created and to shape your current brow. 

-Ask a professional to help get you started. We recommend Trendy partner: Baddie Brows N Lashes in San Antonio to help you achieve the correct shape that flatters your unique face. Their licensed esthetician knows her brows well, and she’s making an appearance at Trend on April 15, 2023. If you’re not ready to dive into thin brows by yourself just yet, let Baddie Brows N Lashes help you achieve the look with eyebrow services, waxing, Trendy facials, and more. 

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