Is Microneedling Just A Reality Show Fad?

Is Microneedling Just A Reality Show Fad?

by The Trendsetters

We’ll answer the question posed in the title off the top.  Absolutely not!  

Who titles these things for us anyway?  We might need to post a new position for a title writer.

We’ve answered the question up front and we will explain WHY it’s more than just a reality show fad.  But before we do, it’s important to get an understanding of what, exactly, microneedling is.


According to WebMD, microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. (Duh!)

The procedure involves pricking the needle with tiny, sterilized needles.  Well, they are sterilized needles at Trend Aesthetics and Wellness.   We can’t speak for other med spas.  

The micro needles (Get it?  Microneedling?) cause small wounds in the skin.  This process triggers your body’s natural healing response.  This results in increased collagen and elastin production.  

Collagen and elastin are key to the healing process that results in more youthful looking, smoother skin.

The process is normally done with a microneedling device, such as SkinPen or SecretRF.


We’re not going to lie to you here.  It’s not necessarily like licking ice cream in the park on a spring day in Palm Springs.  It’s closer to taking a couple of tequila shots in Travis Park in downtown San Antonio on a 100 degree summer day.

Meaning, it’s not the most comfortable process.  However, who doesn’t like tequila?  And if you don’t like tequila, you’ll still be happy with the microneedling process when you feel the results.

The minor discomfort is more than worth the outsized benefits of a few microneedling sessions.  The benefits are amazing.

Some med spas will apply numbing cream to lessen the discomfort of the procedure.  If you have a low pain tolerance, ask your treating med spa if they use numbing cream or what they recommend to reduce the minor discomfort of the needling process.


Microneedling is effective treatment for acne, hyperpigmentation, scars, stretch marks, and even wrinkles.  Combined with other services available at the best med spas, microneedling can help you achieve softer, smoother skin.

When combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma) services, microneedling is a phenomenal skin care procedure.  It poses a lower risk than some laser services and provides more impactful benefits than cosmetic facials alone.  

Read our article on PRP and PRF to learn more about the benefits of those procedures.


All of this sounds great, you might be thinking.  But it sure sounds pricey.  

An average microneedling session can range anywhere from $200-$400.  PRP can add another $100-$200 to the procedure.  This is because the med spa will need to draw your blood and process it in a centrifuge (again, see PRP/PRF article).  

This will isolate your stem cells and that combines with the collagen production from microneedling to promote the healing factor.

Most med spas will run packages.  Multiple sessions of 3 or 6 are often offered at a discount vs. the cost of a single procedure.  

Ask your servicing med spa if they offer special pricing for multiple sessions.


Microneedling is a highly effective, moderately priced procedure that delivers lasting impact on skin quality.  It slots in neatly between advanced facials and laser services from a pricing point of view.  

Its results rival that of more costly laser services as it relates to treating acne, fine lines and wrinkles and other skin issues.  Combining microneedling with PRP can provide even better results than microneedling alone.

Make sure you get the procedure done at a med spa that follows tight equipment and sterilization protocols.  


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