Gut Health: Is It Just Another Trend or Here to Stay?

woman holding an iphone with a TikTok loading screen

Gut Health: One Piece to the Puzzle of Overall Health 

You’ve likely landed on #guthealthtiktok in the last year or two, with interest in gut health awareness rising in the United States on a daily basis. More gut health products, services, and tests are offered now than ever before thanks to the increased communication and discussion around the bacteria we want in our bodies versus the bacteria we don’t want. With more awareness comes more understanding that there is definitely a connection between gut health and overall health that scientists are talking more about. 

Research papers are nice, but lucky for us, we have some mainstream media outlets helping to break down the digestive health craze. So, is gut health really something to consider, or is it just another trend that will fade into the abyss? We’ve got the breakdown. 

Thoughts on Gut Health from our Social Media Influencers

Any advice on social media should be looked at with an extra-critical eye, especially when it comes to your health and body. We love a good TikTok health trend, but health advice can’t always be 100% backed up by a professional with credentials and certifications. 

Although we do love the idea of exploring options when it comes to health…and social media can be a great place to get that conversation going. Gut health TikTok trends are especially popular right now, with influencers touching on topics like favorite prebiotics and probiotics, advertising brands of supplements, and showing off ‘positive changes’ in their body after focusing on their gut health. Some influencers claim loss of bloat (and inches off their waistlines!), better skin, and way more energy thanks to taking supplements with helpful bacteria in them. 

Warning Signs From Your Gut

Having an unhealthy gut can create a slew of unfortunate side effects that can serve as warnings for future gut problems. Studies show that poor gut health can be the cause for issues like bad-quality sleep, food intolerance, weight gain, general bloating, skin blemishes, and energy/mood swings. Poor gut health can also lead to more serious problems like anxiety, depression, and other disorders that make your life difficult. If you are experiencing any of these issues on a regular basis, it might be time to consider taking a closer look at the current state of your gut by taking a simple gut health test. 

What Your Test Could Say About Your Gut Health 

Gut health tests can be so helpful in allowing a professional gut health specialist to analyze what your body might be missing to function at maximum efficiency and wellness. Some gut health tests involve a minor sample of a bowel movement from toilet paper, while other tests are simple blood tests that involve a needle-prick of your finger. The blood tests can show tendencies to have certain diseases like celiac disease or lactose intolerance, while the stool tests can show the various pathogens or even inflammatory bowel diseases you might be experiencing. Either way, a simple test could be the answer to your gut health and overall health issues you’ve been experiencing without knowing the culprit was right at your waistline. 

Simple Way to Improve Gut Health

  • Get Some Actual Rest & Relaxation / Minimize Stress 

We know that stress can affect our mental health, but it can also affect the colon’s microbiome. All those hours of being a badass can catch up to you, so it’s important that you take time out (or 8 hours a night of healthy sleep) to recharge. Everyday life struggles can start to add up, so carve out a few minutes a day to do calming exercises, like meditation, to improve your gut health (and mental health!)

  • Get Your Booty Moving 

The National Institute of Health shared that exercise is able to “modify the gut Microbiota with positive health effects,” meaning your tummy will thank you for getting your blood pumping. You can do crunches, which gently “push” on your digestive tract creating movement, or you can try stretching and yoga moves like child’s pose, yogi squat, and the puppy pose if your gut is particularly bloated or full. You might even find that after a short exercise routine, you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, which is helpful for cleansing. 

  • Eat Non-Processed Foods 

We know that it’s fun to indulge in junk food from time to time, but your body and gut will thank you when it doesn’t have to process all the extra additives, like sugar and preservatives, in the food you provide. Opt for foods that promote digestion and bacterial growth, like fermented foods and dark leafy greens. Luckily, with gut health becoming a serious concern in the past few years, companies have stepped up to the plate and brought several delicious options pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha right to our grocery store shelves. 

Keep In Touch With the Pros 

Of course, with any changes you make to your dietary regime, we suggest you keep the pros in the loop. Our partnered gut health expert and nutritionist, Kimberly Stephens, NASM CPT, can help “harness your inner badass” one healthy decision at a time with advice rooted in over 15 years of experience helping people learn about gut health, individual dietary needs, and personal training tailored specifically for each of her clients. You can visit her social media to get a taste of her style, and set a time to visit with her at our clinic

Go to her GUT HEALTH MASTERCLASS on April 26, 2023


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