Self care practices this Valentine’s Day

woman sitting in a bubble bath reading a book practicing self care

Self care is not a new concept yet it’s common for Americans to still try to kick the concept to the curb. After all, self-care means being selfish or self-centered, right? No, girl! Self-care and self-love are critical to your mental wellness, because you aren’t any good to anyone without first taking good care of yourself. Panic attacks, depression, and anxiety are being diagnosed at all-time high levels, and one of the most simple ways to combat these diseases is to spend a little time with yourself to cope. 

Self Care: What is it?

The World Health Organization defines self-care as: “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” All that to say, some of the issues you might deal with should remain in the hands of a qualified medical professional, but some, if not all, can definitely be helped by participating in self-care every now and then. Your mental health is waiting for you to give it a break and take the time to relax. 

We get it, friend. You’ve been focusing on others while trying to stay afloat, but this Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to show yourself some LOVE, and we’ve got the most perfect, luxurious little idea you need to consider this season. Ready for them?

Schedule Hard Blocks of Time For Yourself

Most of the hardworking Kings and Queens we know are hustling from morning to night, working a corporate job, nurturing time with valuable friends, listening to productivity podcasts, and sipping on caffeinated beverages to power us through. Since you likely can’t schedule a nap during the day, we have a slightly different idea: time-blocking. Get friendly with the letters DNS (Do Not Schedule) and block an hour or two of time for yourself doing what you truly love: reading, chatting with a friend, binging on The Bachelor. Whatever you decide to do, don’t let yourself feel guilty or like you’re “wasting” time. The time blocks you give yourself during the day are adding huge value to your mental health by giving your brain a break from the constant go-go-go you’ve programmed. 

Back Off From Night Time Screen Time

We know, we KNOW. We endlessly scroll on TikTok every night too until the phone falls flat on your face. You’ve heard every doctor and coach mention cutting back on screen time, but have you actually tried it? Dare yourself to put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode an hour before your normal bedtime. Lay down in your most comfortable position, turn off the lights, and ask Alexa to play some reiki healing sounds or pink noise. Try not to go over the 87 things on your to do list and, instead, let your body melt into your coziest haven while letting the calming sounds wrap you up in warmth and healing. If it sounds too woo-woo, we challenge you to try it once, and let your body decide how well it likes it. We’re betting you’ll get some long-lost sleep you didn’t know you needed so badly. 

Gift Yourself a HydraFacial Treatment

The absolute best news about giving yourself the gift of a HydraFacial treatment is that it “fits” every type of skin. If your skin is as dry as the Gobi Desert, or if you suffer from excessive facial oils, HydraFacials can create a smoother, exfoliated surface while diminishing spots and some acne scars. Compared to other facial treatments on the market, you’ll have little to no downtime (unless you want it, of course) standing between you and a fun-filled day of whatever brings you joy. Your skin tone will be evened out and you’ll leave our clinic feeling refreshed, polished, and ready to take on the world. 

This treatment is not just for our lady-friends. At Trend Aesthetics and Wellness, we welcome all clients to step into our ultra-luxe and professional atmosphere of self-care and self-love. For us, it’s about more than just looking good. It’s about feeling great about yourself, and we know we can help you accomplish that glowing look of confidence and radiance. 

Happy Valentine’s Day to our favs, and don’t forget to book an appointment for this treatment before we fill up.   

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